About Us
PT. Yasa Persada DewantaraYasapersada.co.id is general supplier for any kinds of Clock products and Time Solutions (Master-Slave clocks system, NTP Time server, GPS clock system, NTP clock display, Tower clock, Street clock, etc)
Sebagai perusahaan penyedia barang dan jasa serta kontraktor, kami berpengalaman dalam penyediaan solusi Clock and Time network untuk jaringan data center, telekomunikasi, perangkat IT dan telekomunikasi, serta automation untuk industri
Core Value
INTEGRITY, Work with sincerity and be trusted at any time and any place. Integration of words and actions.
PROFESSIONALISM, Work with plan, execute with discipline, responsible and obey work ethics to achieve planned target. Teamwork with every departments of the company to achieve better results. Keep improving skills and competencies through continuous learning.
BEST SERVICES, Work with heart to get the job done and delivers as promised or planned to satisfy others.
Our Vision and Mission
VISION, To become your partner of ICT Supplier and Time Solutions through Understanding customer’s Needs-Wants and Delighting Customer by delivering Quality services.
MISSION, To become Indonesia National Asset in ICT - Time Solutions industries, Bring “value” people to the society