GPS Timing

The GPS system is a constellation of 24 orbiting satellites. The system is primarily intended to provide a precise positioning and navigation service. However, very accurate time information is continuously transmitted by the satellites..

Clock Tower and Time Solutions |

Tower Clocks
NTP Clock Display
GPS Time Server
Time Solutions
Lain-lain Clock Tower and Time Solutions

Model : Tower Clock - Outdoor Clock - Wall Clock
Dial : ROUND, SQUARE bahan metal, with LED illumination light at night
Hands : Dua jarum jam (Minute, Hour) model Klasik atau Minimalis
Mesin Jam : JAPAN Tower Clock movement
Tersedia untuk diameter 1.0 - 1.2 ; 1.5 - 2.5 ; 3.0 - 4.0 ; 4.5 - 6.0 ; 12 meter ; dan 8 s/d. 30 meter

Jenis Jam Besar location: Oversea di luar negeri dan sanggup pemasangan di seluruh Indonesia
Tersedia permintaan untuk Dial Numeral: ARABIC, ROMAN, MARKER bentuk frame bulat atau kotak sesuai dengan keinginan konsumen.

Beberapa pertanyaan dasar yang dibutuhkan untuk menentukan biaya:
1. Berapa Diameter?
2. Berapa banyak sisi tampilan jam (single face, two faces, three faces, atau four faces)?
3. Apakah diperlukan cahaya lampu di malam hari?
4. Apakah diperlukan Musik untuk lonceng setiap jam?
5. Berapa jumlah tower yang akan dibangun?
6. Lampirkan foto bangunan dan gambar desain jam yang anda memiliki.
7. Lebih penting.....!!! Kontak Informasi anda

Download Catalog Tower Clock [disini] - Harga outdoor clock movement [disini] is general supplier for any kinds of Clock products and Time Solutions (Master-Slave clocks system, NTP Time server, GPS clock system, NTP clock display, Tower clock, Street clock, etc)

Sebagai perusahaan penyedia barang dan jasa serta kontraktor, kami berpengalaman dalam penyediaan solusi Clock and Time network untuk jaringan data center, telekomunikasi, perangkat IT dan telekomunikasi, serta automation untuk industri

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PT. Yasa Persada Dewantara

February 14, 2025  |  Posted by Admin  |  More Information Contact Us

This website is supported by PT. Yasa Persada Dewantara

PT. Yasa Persada Dewantara is general supplier and contractor as specialist for Clock and Time solutions.

Kami melayani pekerjaan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia dengan pengalaman kami di berbagai pekerjaan Clock and Time solutions di kantor swasta atau pemerintahan, serta kawasan industri.

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Official website of Clock Tower and Time Solutions, general supplier and contractor which bigest market in Indonesia

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PT. Yasa Persada Dewantara
WhatsApp: +62 821 146 11732
Telp./Fax.: +62 21 794 5301
Address: Graha Krama Yudha lt.4 Unit B
Jl. Warung Jati Barat No.43, Jakarta 12760
INDONESIA supported by PT. Yasa Persada Dewantara is leading of Clock Tower and Time Solutions